Field type - short text

The short text field is the default field type when you create a new field. Builders can use this type of field to track a single line of text that you want to associate with a record.

You can view the available properties for short text fields on the Edit field properties modal when you select Field type of Short text.


Properties of Short text fields



After specifying a Field name (which controls how this field is referenced inside the tab) and that it will be of the type Short Text, you can toggle on More field attributes to show the following options below. Complete the transaction at the end by clicking Save.


Property Description
Private field Use this setting if only authorized users should be able to access this field. If this is applied, the field will be locked out from the user's view entirely unless they are authorized to access private fields. This setting works in conjunction with the security access control tab setting: View private fields. If a field is private, only users authorized to view private fields will be able to view, edit, see history, filter, or download this data. Click here to learn more.
Maximum field length By default, the short text field can hold up to 255 characters of text. A builder can adjust the maximum field length to be shorter, if necessary. For example, you may want to reduce the maximum field length if you are building an integration with another system that has field length restrictions.
Default text If every row should have a value by default as soon as a record is created specify it here. The value can be changed and even selected, but setting a default will help to minimize having null value records, should that be desired.
Field callout

If you enter any text into the Field callout textbox, the information (i) icon appears to the left of the field name, and the text you entered displays when users move the cursor over this icon. Enter text here if you want to provide information to help the user learn more about how to use the field.



Important notes

🔔 It is possible to convert a short text field into another type of field. For example, a field may start out as short text, and then a builder may decide that the field would be better as a numeric field. In this case, the desired field type is different from the current field type's requirements (text vs. numbers). For this reason, during the field-conversion process, any record that has non-numeric text inside the field will lose the data entered into the field.

🔔 If a data-conversion impact can occur during a field type change, a warning message will accompany the field conversion process to ensure that the builder understands what to expect. It's important to read these messages carefully. Users must follow the instructions provided on the warning page to complete field change transactions.