Using attachments

A fundamental aspect of GraceBlocks is the ability to review and organize files inside GraceBlocks. Builders can use the attachments field type to define what files you can work with. This field type gives the builder the power to upload and manage attachments inside GraceBlocks.

This article covers the following topics:

Viewing attachments

From spreadsheet view:

From spreadsheet view, records that include attachments show icons or thumbnails (if available) that represent those attachments, as illustrated in the Resumes etc. field in the following view:





Follow the steps below to view the attachments directly from the spreadsheet view:


Step Action Visual

Click the cell containing the thumbnails of the attachment you want to view.

The option to either add more attachments or launch the attachment modal appears.

(Icon/Thumbnails are hidden during this step.)


Click the modal expander in the top right corner of the cell.

The attachment modal appears.


From the attachment modal, files are displayed one at a time.




The number of attachments is indicated in the top-left area of the modal. In this case, there are 5 total attachments.



If categories exist for the field, a bubble for each category indicates the number of each category to help you navigate the attachments.

Click a category to view the associated attachment. In this example, the Writing sample category is selected.



If multiple attachments exist, use the Next/Previous icons to navigate the carousel of attachments.



From the details page:

On the details page, attachments appear on the right side of the page. If attachments exist, they display as the first category of content. Each attachment field is a sub-option underneath the Attachments header. In this example, there is only one attachments field, Resumes etc.



Follow the steps below to view the attachments from the details page:

Step Action Visual

Make sure Attachments is selected in the top line of content option tabs. Each attachment field appears in the bar below. Select the attachment field of interest. In this example, there is only one type of attachment field present, called Resumes etc.

This tab heading also indicates the current total attachments. In this case, there are 5 total attachments.




If categories exist for the field, a bubble for each category indicates the number of available attachments in each category. Click the category to view the associated attachment. In this example, the Resume category is selected.



If multiple attachments exist, use the Next/Previous icons to navigate the carousel of attachments.



🔔 Important note: Records can have multiple attachment fields. The example above only has one field, called Resumes, etc. If additional attachment fields existed, the name of each field would appear as a clickable item with a number representing the number of associated attachments, as illustrated below where there are three process flow example attachment files and one sample offer letter file:




Adding new attachments:

Follow the steps below to add new attachments.


Step Action Visual

Do one of the following:

A. From spreadsheet view click the cell, where you would like to add the attachments. The option to add attachments appears. Click the Attachment (paperclip) icon.

B. From the attachments modal or details page attachments area, click Add Attachments, which appears in the top right area of the page.

The Add attachment modal appears.




B: mceclip23.png


In the Add attachment modal, if attachment categories exist, they appear as bubbles across the top.

Select the appropriate attachment category. If categories exist and you do not select one, the attachments you add are assigned to the Uncategorized grouping. In this example, Resume is selected.


By default, you are prompted to load files from your device, but you can also choose to upload files using a URL or Web image search, or taking a picture with the camera on your device. Choose the icon for the method you want to use to add the file.



🔔 Trying to include sharepoint files as attachments? Use the url provided for Embed Sharing. Also, ensure your IT team will allow to host your images as an embed. Learn more here


Follow the prompts provided to attach the file. If the field allows multiple attachments, you can add more files before completing the transaction. Each file you add appears in a tray at the bottom of the modal as a thumbnail or icon depending on the file type.


When you are ready click Finish attaching files.

All files in the bottom tray are attached to the record.



Attachment actions

Once attachments have been added, you have a number of options for working with them, beyond simply viewing them. The attachment actions bar appears just above the selected attachment, which is displaying in the right side of the page. The actions apply to the attachment that you are viewing.



The table below summarizes the available attachment actions:

Step Action Description

Open in new tab

Click this option to launch the attachment in a new browser window. This feature can be useful if you want to view the attachment using the full browser screen width instead of the screen area that is available inside GraceBlocks.


Copy link

If you need a link to the image that you can share with others, clicking Copy link copies it to your clipboard. Then you can share it using the Paste action from your device.



Use the Edit option to edit attachments, including renaming or recategorizing them (if attachment categories exist).



Click Download to download the file to your local device.



Use Delete if you want to remove the attachment from the record. Once you delete an attachment, it cannot be recovered. You will need to add it again if you want to use it again.



The Pop-out option exists only for files that use the Google viewer to display. (Most files that are not images use the Google viewer, which comes with some additional controls.) When you click the Pop-out icon, the attachment launches in a new browser window (just as it does when you use the Open in tab (#1) option).


Page Number & Zoom in/out

The Page Number & Zoom in/out controls may appear depending on the type of attachment. Use this control to zoom in or out on the file, using the + and - icons.


Are you a builder? See field type: Attachments for more details.