Filtering records

The filter feature in GraceBlocks lets you easily find specific records in a tab. Users can filter records to find what they are looking for from either spreadsheet view or messaging view. Once you set the filter criteria, the filtering is "sticky" and "just for you." This means that if you leave the tab and come back later, your last applied filter will still be working for you, and only for you. Other users can apply their own filters to find what they are looking for. Your filters do not disrupt what they are seeing, and their filters do not affect what you are seeing. Also, if you are repeatedly looking at the same filtered set of records, you can create a bookmark to make it easy to return records that match the criteria you have entered. This article covers:


Applying filter criteria

To find the records you need by using filters, complete the following steps:

Step Action Visual

From either spreadsheet or messaging view of a tab inside GraceBlocks, click the Filter icon in the actions toolbar.

The filter records modal appears.


Click Add criteria +.

The criteria dropdown, which includes all fields associated with the tab, displays.



Click on all of the fields you'd like to filter by.

Each selected field is added to the filter modal criteria body content. A red X represents a field that is added to the criteria (and you can click this X to remove the field from the filter modal body are content). A green plus sign (+) indicates a field that s not yet part of the filter criteria and is available to be added.


Click outside the dropdown list to close it, so that only the body content with the selected criteria fields are displaying.



For the first field you want to filter by, confirm that the operator is correct.



For the first field you want to filter by, enter your criteria.



Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each field you want to include as part of your filter criteria.



Click Apply search filter.

The page refreshes, and the filter criteria are applied.



Filter operators by field type

Depending on the type of field you are filtering by, the mechanisms of searching and the available operators can vary. When applying your filter criteria, be sure to use the operator that is aligned with the criteria you are seeking. The table below outlines the available options.

Field types Operators available (applies to step 5 above)
Short text, Long text, Phone number, Email, URL, Relational, Lookup (of any of these field types) >


Does not contain

Starts with

Equal to

Does not equal

Empty (null)

Not empty (not null)

Number, System ID, Counter, Lookup (of any of these field types)

Min - Max

Bigger than

Smaller than


Empty (null)

Not empty (not null)

Date, Added on, Updated on, Lookup (of any of these field types)

From - To

Specific date

Time frame (includes various time frames e.g.: Last 24 hours, Last year)



Empty (null)

Not empty (not null)

Single select, Multiple select, Lookup (of any of these field types)

Select values (can choose one or many from picklist)

Empty (null)

Not empty (not null)


File name contains

Empty (null)

Not empty (not null)

🔔 Searching on attachment text is not currently supported.

Message thread

Incoming/Outgoing (filters by whether the last message was incoming or outgoing)

Search string (allows searching by phrases used in message text)

Time frame (includes various time frames; for example, Last 24 hours, Last year)

Empty (null)

Not empty (not null)



Equal to (checked or unchecked)


Removing/changing filter criteria

If filters are applied, they are visible on the page as filter bubbles to provide a direct visual aid. Clicking a bubble removes the criteria defined in that bubble from the filter criteria and refreshes the page to reflect the updated criteria.



You can also remove and modify filters from the same filter panel that you use to apply the filter criteria, using the steps outlined below:


Step Action Visual

From either spreadsheet or messaging view of a tab inside GraceBlocks, click the Filter icon in the Actions toolbar.

The Filter records modal appears, displaying the currently applied criteria.


If you want to remove all currently applied filter criteria, click Clear all filters, and skip to step 8.


If you want to change what you are filtering by, continue to step 3.


Click Add criteria +.

The filter criteria dropdown, which includes all fields associated with the tab, displays. A red X displays next to fields that are already included in the filter criteria. A green plus sign (+) displays next to fields that are not yet part of the filter criteria.



Remove filters you do not want to use by clicking those fields, which have a red X if they are part of the current criteria.

Add filters you do want to use by clicking the desired fields, which have a green plus sign (+) if they are not yet part of the criteria.

The filter modal will update to display only fields that have been added (and to no longer display fields that have been removed).


Click outside the dropdown list to close it, so that only the body content with the selected criteria fields are displaying.



For the first field you want to filter by, confirm that the operator is correct.



For the first field you want to filter by, enter your criteria.



Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each field you want to include as part of your filter criteria.



Click Apply search filter.

The page refreshes, and the filter criteria are applied.



Important notes about using filters

🔔 Filters are sticky, which means that after you set the filter criteria, if you leave and then return to the tab, the filter criteria you defined are still applied. Builders can even set default filter criteria by configuring a public default bookmark. For this reason, it is important to understand that if bubbles appear here in the Filter criteria area, it means that filters are applied to what you are viewing. Click the bubbles to remove those criteria, if needed.


🔔 Filters work across views. This means if you switch from spreadsheet view to messaging view, the filters you have applied will still be in effect for you.

🔔 Make common filters easily accessible by creating bookmarks.

🔔 Want to create default filter criteria that define what users first see? For example, let's say you are tracking tasks and only want users to see active tasks by default. Builders can do this by creating a public default bookmark, learn more here: bookmarks.

🔔 When a user applies a filter, it is only for their personal user session. Individual filter actions by users have no impact on what other users see.

🔔 If you apply the "Is Empty" filter operator when filtering on a formula field, and also try to sort on this same field, it will return an error on the page. To resolve, either remove the filter or the sort. Both can not exist together on the page.