
When collaboration activity occurs inside of GraceBlocks users can be notified through various means according to their notification preferences. This article reviews:


All possible notifications a user can receive

GraceBlocks supports the following types of notifications:

Notification type Description
Text messages

When enabled you will receive a notification when a reply message is received from a number you have texted using the GraceBlocks messaging capability.


Text message notifications are sent immediately, as soon as the text is received.

Collaborator assignments

When you will receive a notification when you are an assigned collaborator on a record using a collaborator field where the collaborator notifications option has been activated.

🔔 Collaborator assignment messages are queued and sent at the start of the hour. If more than one record has been updated in the Block, you will receive only one notification regarding all of the changes from the past hour where you are an assigned collaborator.

🔔 Collaborator assignment updates will include the full details of the record being assigned and or updated. Any recent changes to the record will be highlighted in gray.

Collaborator messages
When enabled you will receive a notification when someone mentions them in a collaboration message.
Collaborator messages are sent immediately, as soon as the collaboration message is saved inside of GraceBlocks.


Managing and understanding notification preferences

Any user can manage their personal notification preferences by following the steps outlined below:

Step Action Visual

Notification preferences are Block specific. First, navigate to the Block where you want to control your preferences.

The Block appears.



Click the Bell icon.

The notifications panel appears.


At the bottom of the panel, click the Notification settings button.

The notifications setting options appear.


For each notification type, check the box if you'd like to be notified via that method. Uncheck the box if you want to disable that method of notification. Toggle the notification type off to disable any and all notices for the Block for that notification type.

Notification methods include:

Method Description
Bell icon These notifications will appear in the notification panel of the Zone and Block. They are accessed by clicking the Bell icon and a number will be present to represent how many active notifications exist.
Email These notifications will be sent from and will be delivered to the email address associated with your user account.
App push notice These notifications will be sent to your mobile device's notifications panel if you have the GraceBlocks app installed and you have the app notifications enabled on your mobile device.

Your preferences will be automatically saved.



When you are finished, click Hide panel when done.

The notifications panel closes.



Viewing notifications

If you have enabled notifications for the GraceBlockes bell icon you will receive notices inside of GraceBlocks and can view and manage these notices by following these steps:

Step Action Visual

While inside a Block of from the GraceBlocks Homepage, click the bell icon.

🔔 A number may display on this bell representing the number of active notices waiting for you.


The notifications panel appears.



Read the notifications which are available to you and click View details to view more information about the notification if the notification type = collaborator assignment (explained in the prior section above).



When viewing the details of a collaborator assignment notification, you can see updates highlighted in grey.

To return to the notifications panel, click the back arrow (<- Notifications details) heading at the top of the page.


To clear an individual notification click the red x on the right side of the notification item.


To clear all notifications, click the Clear all x option at the bottom of the pane.
