Email template management

When you enable email messaging for an email field type within a tab, you have the option to designate a tab to serve as the repository for email templates. These templates facilitate convenient and consistent communication with email recipients. To ensure seamless functionality, the specified template tab must be configured as per the guidelines provided in this article. The topics covered in this article include:

Mandatory fields on email template tabs

To ensure a tab is eligible for selection as an email template within the advanced settings of the email field type, it's imperative that the field is named exactly as specified below. This nomenclature is case-sensitive and must be adhered to precisely.


Field Name (must be exactly as specific, and is case sensitive) Field Type(s) which can be used to create this field Supports tokens Description
Template name Short text   You will use what is specified here to select the template from the list of available templates.

Email subject

Short text This will be the subject line of the template

Email body

Long text or RTF or Lookup of Long text or RTF*

The body of the actual email message will reside here.

🔔Use the lookup option vs. direct fields if you want to create paragraphs. This way you can concatenate them together in a paragraph-based template.

For example, let's say you have offer letters that are very similar but variable, some include a relocation paragraph, some include a bonus paragraph, etc. You can do this by building all of the unique sections of the offer letter and then specifying each variant of the letter by choosing the paragraphs that will be included.

If using the paragraph-based approach, you must select your paragraphs in the order in which they should appear in the final letter. Then look up the RFT or Long text for the associated paragraphs. This look field and the older in which it appears is how the template letter will appear.


Optional fields on email template tabs

You can also incorporate the following optional fields when crafting the attributes of your email template. Similar to the aforementioned fields, maintaining precise adherence is crucial: the field must be named in exact accordance with the specifications provided below. This naming convention is case-sensitive and demands meticulous observance for proper functionality.


Field Name (must be exactly as specific, and is case sensitive) Field Type(s) which can be used to create this field Supports tokens Description
From name Short text   You will use what is specified here to select the template from the list of available templates.

Reply to email

Email or Short text

This will be the subject line of the template.


Email or Short text

This will be the cc for the template.


Email or Short text

This will be the bcc for the template.

Email attachments

Attachment or Lookup of Attachment

  Select any attachments that should be included with the template.



If you would like to include one or more pdf attachments which include both text as well as fielded data stored in GraceBlocks. Use this field option. The name of the attachment will be what goes where <Name> is located. For example, a file called PDFC-Benefits Overview will create a pdf called "Benefits Overview.pdf" The PDF will be the text as outlined in the display of the RTF field located here.

For example: You could create up to 3 PDFC fields - for example, you might have a new hire prep email that includes three pdf files that are housed in three fields titled:

PDFC-Benefits Overview

PDFC-First Day Itinerary

PDFC-Employee Handbook

Embedding tokens in email templates

As you delve into the process of email template creation, understanding the mechanism of embedding tokens is pivotal to personalizing and optimizing your email content. Tokens are supported in all of the email template areas that indicate they support tokens: ✅

Basic Tokens: When crafting emails, leverage tokens sourced from the email-enabled tab. Tokens, enclosed in curly brackets (e.g., {{Name}}), represent direct tab fields and dynamically populate with specific record details. For instance, using {{Name}} inserts the name of the candidate, assuming a "Name" field exists in the tab.

Optional Tokens: Include optional fields as needed by enveloping them in triple brackets (e.g., {{{Address 2}}}).

Related Information Tokens: Extend functionality to related data by referencing the related field, followed by the target field name, separated by || (e.g., {{Job||Manager email}}). Consider this scenario: in candidate onboarding emails, you might CC the Hiring Manager, whose email is stored in the "Jobs" tab under the field "Manager email". Using the token {{Job||Manager email}} achieves this linkage.