Introduction to Public Blocks

As a Zone owner or Zone Builder, you can browse Public Blocks as well as the GraceBlocks Marketplace to find template Blocks to jumpstart your building journey. 

  • Public Blocks are templates generated by GraceBlocks that can be used at no cost to help you jumpstart your journey.  They are accessible from within the GraceBlocks product by following the steps outlined below.
  • GraceBlocks Marketplace is a destination where other Builders can list the Blocks they have built for Sale.

Accessing Public Blocks

In the Public Blocks area authorized users can explore Blocks to help you get started ranging from Project Management, Candidate Texting, CRM, and much more. Users with the role of Zone owner or Zone builder can explore Public Blocks and copy them into the Zone by following these steps. Every invoice that has been processed by GraceBlocks for a specific Zone is available under invoice history. You can access them as follows:

Step Action Visual

Click Explore Public Blocks in the left panel of the GraceBlocks homepage (just under Resources.

Public Blocks will load into the page.


Click any Block to explore what it can be used for and see some sample data.  (Choose from dozens of public blocks)


After exploring a specific Block use USE THIS PUBLIC BLOCK from the top bar if you'd like to use it.

The duplicate Block modal appears.

  1. Confirm the name you'd like to give the Block.
  2.  Choose the Zone where the Block will be duplicated into.
    1. You have the option to only copy the data structure, or you can copy data across if desired. Toggle on the options for include data, include  bookmarks, and/or include web forms if you'd like this starter material also copied with the Block.

Click Duplicate Block

You will receive a confirmation notice on the screen that the Block was sucessfully added to the Zone.

🔔 Some Public Blocks leverage capabilities only available on the Basic or Pro plan. If you are not at the approiprate plan level to access the Block you will be notified to this effect.  You will need to be at the plan level or higher in order to copy these Blocks into your Zone.