Duplicating Blocks

If you have access to a Block that you wish to make a starting point a new Block you can duplicate it. A user is only authorized to copy Blocks into Zones where they have had Zone Builder access. And a user can only duplicate Public Blocks or Blocks where they are an authorized Block Builder. If so authorized, follow the steps below to duplicate a block:

Step Action Visual

From inside the Block you wish to copy, click the Duplicate block icon.

The duplicate block modal appears.

2 Specify the name and what content should be duplicated.
Duplicated Block name The name of the Block, by default it's the current name of the Block with the word copy but you can edit this.
Destination Zone Select the Zone where the Block should be copied to.
Include data Toggle on the data with the action, otherwise, leave off to only copy the fields and their properties.
Include bookmarks If you want the bookmarks of the current tab copied, toggle this on.
Include web forms If you want any web forms of the current tab copied, toggle this on.


Click Duplicate Block.

The Block is copied to the destination Zone and a confirmation message appears.