Block building capabilities

Description of image



Once a Zone builder creates a Block, they are (by default ) granted Block builder role-level access to that Block. From there, they can grant access to the Block to any other user with access to the Zone. (See Managing Zone users.) In addition to the original Zone Builder, anyone with the Block Builder role can act as the administrator for that Block moving forward.


Inside a Block, the Block builders can manage the users of the Block and each user's single Block-level role. The table below outlines the possible roles:

Role High-level description
Block user (General) The user is granted access to the Block and can work with the tabs and fields inside the Block. This user does not have builder capabilities inside the Block.
Block builder The user is granted access to the Block and can work with the tabs and fields inside the Block. This user also is responsible for granting access to the block to other Zone users, as well as configuring the tabs, fields, details page layout, and bookmarks that users have to work within while inside the Block.

Note: In addition to granting user access from within a specific block, Zone owners can also control access and role definition by Block from the page where they globally administer the users for the Zone. (See Managing Zone users.)

The builder role defined for the Block determines what is visible while working inside that specific Block. Builders have access to the capabilities listed in the following table. However, individuals who have the role of "Block user (general)" will not see these options when they are navigating the Block. For each capability in this table, click the capability name to learn more about it:

# Block building capability Visuals from the GraceBlocks homepage
1 Add new tabs Add_new_tab.png

Edit tabs


Add/edit/delete fields (columns)*


Manage Block settings


Manage Block users


Control the record details page layout


Manage public bookmarks

(including setting the public default bookmark)


Manage web forms

Manage web forms.png

Manage web form access for ussers

Web Forms.png


* 🔔 Important note: Only builders can add columns to tabs using the copy/paste action. (Learn more.)