How to upgrade or change your Zone's GraceBlocks plan

Any Zone owner is authorized to change the GraceBlocks plan that their Zone is leveraging.

Every Zone starts on the free plan, and Zone owners can choose at any time to upgrade to a paid plan for their Zone.

About paid plans

Paid plans are paid either monthly or annually and with a prescribed number of user licenses. This user license number represents the available pending and active users who can be affiliated with the Zones and the Blocks that reside inside that Zone.

Once you have upgraded your plan, you can also easily change the nature of the plan. You can choose to change the number of licenses, move from an annual to a monthly plan, or visa versa, or even change the plan level.

View or change GraceBlocks plan information

Step Action Visual

From the GraceBlocks homepage, access Zone settings by clicking the gear icon for the desired Zone in the list of Zone names in the left pane. The Zone Settings page for the selected Zone appears.

Note: This icon appears only if you are a Zone owner.

2 In the Plan information section, click Change plan. mceclip1.png
3 Review the detailed offerings that are available with each plan, and then click Select for the plan you want. mceclip2.png

Select Pay annually or Pay monthly for plan renewal frequency, and enter the desired # of user licenses. Then click Calculate. Review the information, and provide your credit card information. Once you have read and reviewed all of the material and have confirmed that you wish to proceed, click Change plan to make your purchase.





🔔 Downgrade limitation note: You can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time. However, you are limited from downgrading a plan if it does not meet the required limits set by the plan. For example, if you have more than 10 Blocks, you will not be able to downgrade to the Free plan until you remove some Blocks so that you meet the plan limit.

🔔 Outstanding balances at the time of downgrade: If there is a remaining balance from unused time on your current plan at the time of changing plans, credit may be applied to the current, as well as future, purchases.

🔔 Cancel subscription: If you want to cancel your plan, follow these steps to deactivate the Zone to cancel your subscription entirely and stop all future payments.