Managing Zone users

If you are a Zone owner, you can manage the users who have access to your Zone. Review this article to understand all you need to know about managing users. All individuals who can access a Zone are managed within a special Block, which is given the default name User admin. To have access to any Block within the Zone, an individual must first be added to this User admin block.This topic covers:

Managing users for a Zone

Complete the following steps to add and invite users into a Zone.

Step Action Visual


From the GraceBlocks homepage, click the User admin Block to enter it. The Block loads and displays the Users tab.


🔔 While a Block builder is able to change the color, icon, and logo of this Block by going to Block settings, GraceBlocks recommends not changing those settings because changes to them will make troubleshooting and support more challenging in this area.



From the Users tab, click add users.

The add users modal appears.


Enter the email addresses for the users you would like to add.

🔔 You will not be able to add more users than your allotted user licenses allow.  See plans for details.

(if you have multipel emails you can add multiple separated by a semicolon with no spaces)




Toggle ON the send invitation when saving if you want the invitation to be routed via email to the new user as soon as you click save in the next step.


Continue working in the add user's modal. Click the Authorized Blocks area click the checkbox for each Block for which you want to grant access to the user(s). In Step 2, for each Block selected, select the user's role for the Block. Then click Save.

New records will be added to the users list for the newly added individuals.  Their account will be pending until they accept the invitation.



In the Zone role cell, each user will be set as: Zone user. Change this if needed.  Learn more about Learn more about Zone roles. mceclip1.png


If needed, click Send Invite in the Action column. This will generate a new email initation to the user. 

🔔Clicking this will also provide you a direct link to the user's invigation which you can share direclty with them in case you are having trouble getting the email to come through.


The invited user receives an email and can follow the prompts to access the Zone. An invited user's experience depends on whether the user already has a GraceBlocks account.

See notes below (🔔) for more details.



Once the first invite has been sent but has not yet accepted, the Action option changes o a Resend Invite button. If you need to send another invite to that user, click that button.
🔔Clicking this will also provide you a direct link to the user's invigation which you can share direclty with them in case you are having trouble getting the email to come through.


If a user's email was entered incorrectly, you cannot change it. Instead, you can remove the row by right-clicking in it, and selecting Remove row. You can then add the user again with the correct email address.


Once an invited user accepts your invite, their status as a user for the Zone changes from Invited to Active, and the action option changes to Deactivate. If you need to deactivate a user, click Deactivate in that user's row.


Once a user is deactivated inside a Zone, their status changes to Deactivated, and the action option changes to Activate. If you need to reactivate the user for the Zone, click this button in that user's row. Activating the user again reestablishes their access as specified in the Authorized Blocks cell for the user.



Important notes about invited users

🔔 If an account already exists, invited users simply authorize access and then sign in.

🔔 The Remove row action will only work for invited users before they accept their invitation to the Zone. Once an invitation is accepted, you can only Activate or Deactivate a user's access to a Zone. This is because any user history tied to the user needs to remain intact.

If an invited user does not have an account yet, they must sign up first and then authorize access.

🔔 The email address you use needs to match the email address the user signs up with. For example, if you email and she accepts the invitation but uses to create the account, she is not identified as someone who has been invited to your zone. Users need to either sign up with the email you originally provided or request that you send a new email to their preferred address for interacting with the Zone.

🔔 Signing up for an invited user takes fewer steps than it does for someone who creates a GraceBlocks account from scratch. No phone number validation or preliminary questions are asked of an invited user whose email matches the invitation you send. And because GraceBlocks has sent them an email to access the Zone, their email is considered validated already when their account is created.

🔔 Until accepted, the invited user's email is considered a temporary email and is reflected as such. The invited user's information is only be shared into the Zone upon their acceptance of the invitation to collaborate inside the Zone.



Understanding the User Admin Block

The User admin Block is a special block that Every Zone has. The following information below describes how this special Block is similar to and different from the traditional Blocks inside a Zone.


Features of the User admin Block that match all other Blocks inside a Zone

  • Traditional functions of all blocks also work for this block including the following:
  • Block builders for this Block can administer Block settings.
    • This allows changing the name, icon, color, and homepage contents of the Block.
    • However, GraceBlocks recommends that you do not change these settings for this Block.

Features of the User admin block that are different from all other Blocks inside a Zone

  • Adding/Modifying tabs and fields is disabled.
    • This Block contains only one Tab, called Users.
    • New tabs can not be added.
    • The Users ta can not be modified.
    • The columns within the tab also can not be modified.
  • There is no details page for records in this Block.
  • Any users given access to this Block can act as an administrator of users and their roles across all Blocks because that is the purpose of this Block.

🔔Note: While it is not possible to remove Block owners from access to the Block, it is possible to add additional users who can act as user administrators by giving them access to the Block.